Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Won't Change the Plan - I'd Still Go for Inner Page SEO

Masterofthe here, I am still not changing my plans to optimize purely for the inner page of my blog although I have seen some strong entries with optimized domains and optimized contents and title tags. This is really getting very challenging. I expected that by Monday my entry will disappear from the results but with a little effort to do offpage SEO on it, me and my blog is lucky to be still in here.

I saw the algorithm just now, exactly 5:27 PM and i saw one blog made it to the second slot all of a sudden. This is a strong indication that this blog is optimized very well on the onpage. Even though this is the case, I will not change my original plan unless the search engines do. There is a big possibility that Google might see my optimized posts and lead it to the home page. I will not allow Google to take control over my efforts.

I will not stay loose but intact and still going to optimize for the inner page. Guys, this is your edge over me, I am a stubborn little masterofthe who would stick to his plans just to learn more. This is a great SEO contest and this is a great challenge as well for me. I have never enjoyed seeing Google's algorithm like this using an SEO experiment with the Cebu SEO Challenge Contest.

I am surely gonna love it as more and more it gets harder to rank on top with domains optimized and posts optimized as well as the title tags of my competing entries are also optimized. This is really going very good as expected. The harder it is for me, the better the results and more learning I am in to.

I have no time for hacking issues anymore, just plain old serious work for an hour a day to this entry will probably help it up and help me learn more on SEO contests such as the Cebu SEO Contest.
Sabi nga ng isang KALBO... I LOVE IT!


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