Friday, July 13, 2007

The Bayanihan SEO Contest Algorithms

Algorithms of the Bayanihan SEO Contest

The Bayanihan SEO Contest is on its Nth day now and the leader is still not giving away the position. Who will be the better site this time? Is it the static website or the weblog? Well, which ever, i believe that it's still SEO and SEM efforts that is the major factor for this SEO contest to win the top rankings.

Amidst the Google Update-The SEO Works Continue

In the middle of the Google update, the SEO personalities here in the Philippines are still on the clinch for getting the top position for the Bayanihan SEO contest. One thing that i noticed is that many of the contest participants seem to be going solo even if the contest is promoting a team effort for many SEO here in the Philippines. What then could be the reason for this one? I'm pretty sure it's not the price nor the prestige that will be tagged to the winning team. Could it be because the nature of SEO is to maintain a secret of all the secret weapons of individual webmasters and to avoid spreading out these secret weapons like a virus in the web, they decided to make the supposedly collective effort look like a collective effort but is actually a one man gang doing all the necessary things in order to gain rankings or maintain one.

The Google Update For Me

Since the Google update for me is the most important other than joining the contest, i decided to just lay around and take a look at the algorithms while learning the things that will eventually come out. All i have to do is to play wait and see where the result will take me. Possibly to the best strategy that the top spot has. For sure i will notice it whatever cost and whatever happens and this will surely add up to my newest knowledge in the SEO arena and SEM umbrella.


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