Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Google Caffeine New Algorithm I Love It

It's been such a very long time since I haven't written in this blog of mine but so far, a lot of my time has been focused on trying to learn more about how Google pushes the websites in their results pages. A couple of months ago, I learned that Google Caffeine was introduced but Many local SEO in the Philippines would not go for it. For whatever reason, I don't know.

All I know is that because the new Google algorithm doesn't seem to favor their websites of business they own. Well, so far, for me it's been so much beneficial as 1 business website alone has given me 20 times more than what it used to earn and I am glad that if you just persevere to understand what Google has been trying to give you, you won't really have a problem at all.

After all, there is nothing we or any of us can do about it. Google plays God once again and it wants us to bear in mind that if we don't update ourselves with whatever it has for the sake of the users, there is no way we will succeed in any business model online that we engage in.


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