Saturday, July 07, 2007

SEO in the Philippines Being Left Out In Updates

SEO in the Philippines Left out by Firefox

SEO in the Philippines is being left out once again. Firefox has just released its new update today and the Philippines is again left out to be part of the update. Now why is this so? Simply because SEO in the Philippines is way too young and very few actually understand the subject matter at all.

Firefox Releases new Browser Update - Includes Africaans Beta

On the newest release of the new Firefox version of their browser, Philippines and SEO/SEM in the Philippines are both left without the single most important factor to be able to become a distinguished venue, the importance and legitimacy of SEO and SEM industry in the country.

Of course this is impossible to this point in time but i cannot blame myself for feeling this way for the simple fact that although there are many great professionals that are in to the Philippine SEO and SEM umbrella today, very little distinction or importance is being thrown at the current status of the industry.

The government has very little or no support at all to the industry of SEO and SEM in the Philippines. It seem to no avail that even if the have been many great champions in the specific field, like fro example Mr. Benj Arriola (congratulations!!!) who championed the latest World SEO keyword ranking contest in "Global Warming" which played one of the biggest role to propagate that SEO and SEM industry in the Philippines is truly an excellent venue in the country today.

Imagine, that of all the professional and the best SEO in the Universe competing, only one was announced to be the champion. "IT IS A FILIPINO" IN THE PERSONA OF BENJ ARRIOLA.

SEO/SEM Chances

In my intention to someday be recognized and included in the latest updates like in the beta versions of many important happenings in the web, I made this post and I am hoping that there will come a time as what like Google has earlier made, put up a Google Philippines Office, the others would follow and see the efforts that many great Filipino webmasters in the Philippine SEO and SEM industry is making way of.


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