Saturday, March 24, 2007

BadSense AdSense Technique

There is an ongoing thread in a great forum that enlists an important tip from the admin department about "BadSense AdSense Technique dealing with tips on how to avoid getting banned from AdSense and and your AdSense accounts frozen.

I have been able to get the actual picture that a forum famous why admin was able to post along the threads. below is the exact appearance of it.

Attached Image
May this serve as a warning to the many AdSense masters and newbies that are in to displaying ads on their sites or those MFA sites. This will be a clear violation of the TOS and would result to a maximum of complete banning of your site or freezing of your account. BadSense AdSense technique won't do you any good at any circumstance so better stay away from them and refrain from using them if you are in to improving your ctr.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Ituloy AngSulong: Death of Linkbaiting Through Juicy Content

From the start of the Ituloy AngSulong contest here most of the Philippine webmasters battled for the prestige of winning the most prestigious SEO contest ever to air in the Philippine SEO community, i suspected that something out of the contest would arise to suffer and i preempted it to be something related to linkbaiting through juicy contents। This link building contest is one of the best ways to show off the link building techniques that a webmaster can do in the web today. Since link building is the most important factor in any SEO contest in gaining the popularity that a registered site needs, i assumed that the Ituloy AngSulong contest would let out the best contents and at the same time the least important ones. The juice of the contents will be one of the first to suffer and the first to ignite popularity in terms of linkbaiting. Also since most of the contest registrants are blog sites, then, content is really of relevance and utmost priority.

Linkbaiting is by the way the terms of getting the links that a site needs in order to gain page importance and site trust from search engines. If link baiting through providing juicy contents is the way by which a blog site or any other site gets the linkbaiting links that it needs to gain the page importance in order to gain rankings in the SERP of search engines, then i can simply conclude that these juicy contents are gone in some ways because most sites are in the process of experimenting in terms of keyword density, most of the contest registrants would go for the spammy keyword repetitions on their contents and i say i have seen lots of it. This led me to believe that linkbaiting through juicy contents is gone.

Of course i cannot simply say that all of it is on its way to the brink of extinction, it just, if i may say, contribute to the growing population of putting spammy contents in most blogs and since i have seen many doing or following this trend and gained popularity, and respect from search engines, then the followers of spammy and the not so juicy contents of linkbaiting is growing support this way.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Ituloy AngSulong End

Let me write something that does not take the interest of other bloggers and blog fanatics this time. It's about the Ituloy AngSulong and the different types of endings that it has scripted on the registered sites who joined the contest as dubbed to be the most prestigious so far of the two SEO keyword ranking contest that happened in the Philippines.

Unlike the first registered contest titled Isulong seoph, this time some of the better and maybe the best of the link builders had joined the contest just to show off some styles which i luckily have gained up for my own link building strategies। I'd like to personally thank all the contestants because i was able to learn so many things specially the stuffs that i never expected existed in the SEO and link building world that i am in right now. I admit, i had so many things to learn yet but i would also like to give a target date for me learning other link building techniques that both black hats and white hats employ to their link building jobs and personal duties with respect to SEO.

I just feel lucky as write this blog post because i did not join the contest. there were many hopeful and hopeless winners that came up with the last minute stats and some of them ended up dismayed at the results like those that got banned days away from the actual end of the contest. Some entries even got sandboxed by MSN or Google. Speaking of sandboxed sites, i never heard that MSN did so to some site until in this contest emerged some of them that even had high rankings up to the top ten spots or so that got sandboxed days before the contest ends.

A friend of mine vying for the top ten spot in MSN lost his site rankings and even in the virtual SERP results when the sandboxing happened. It was supposed to be as smooth as the silken bed covers until this started to happen for some entries to the contest.

Another top spotter lost his rankings a month before the contest ends but he was lucky to gain his rankings and ended as one of the top ten in SERP on Google. Yahoo has been very cooperative to most because i never heard any complaints or is it maybe i was just busy seeing through the results in MSN and Google alone since the sites that i am promoting that time is ranking well in Yahoo and in fact he got the second spot in the contest for Yahoo alone.

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