Friday, August 25, 2006

SEO Blog Optimization

Data has it, over 75,000 new blogs are being released each day (from the Search Engine Journal). With competition like this, the question is, how can you make your blog stand out from all the millions there already is? One option any web master has is to optimize his blog. Now why is there a need to do so? A good reason is that although blogs have the software intended to be search engine-friendly, combining such plus factor and tons of hard work optimizing your pages and titles, makes it even better with respect to organic rankings and PR.

Opportunities to optimizing any blog site is the same as web sites, therefore, all it requires to generate the traffic you need is the use of different tools for doing such craft. Relying mainly in the special inherent aspect and natural ways a blog earns its organic rankings in the search engine results page is not enough especially when you use your blogs in SEO/SEM purposes.

Tools for consideration:

keywords- the best consideration should be put into this when writing your posts especially the titles. There are some blogs incorporating plug-ins that automatically suggests keywords that are optimized to obtain the necessary results in the process of search engine crawls. You can also use the Goolge selector tool which is free. there is the Digital Point, SEO Book, Goolge Adwords keyword tool.
“Remember this, keywords should not determine your content unless it is an Adsense blog.”

Make sure post titles appear on the title tag and append the title tag (hard code) with the most important phrase for your blog.


22 Laws of Marketing - Search Engine Watch

It will automatically be included on every blog post title tag that you write. Also, use the blog post title as the permalink. If you are using keywords in the blog post title, then they will occur as anchor text in the permanent post link. While your at it, just make the post title a permalink.

interface usability- Improve the usability of your page, in this case by including RSS Feeds subscription buttons, sometimes called as “chicklets” in a place where it is accessible to the eye at all times (if possible) or in the usual side bar. Use the RSS Feed Button creation tool.

categories - Do provide interesting categories as in when a visitor goes to your site, especially a blog site, first thing to consider is the presence of interesting categories which at a glance or hover of the mouse cursor, the visitor will gladly have the interest in.

Optimize your categories and be sure to consider key words in the titles. When you post, be sure to default to a general category that is relevant no matter what the post is all about. You can choose multiple categories on each post when appropriate.This helps you gain organic ranking in search engines.

spamming search engines - Do not do anything to trick the search engines into listing your site better, that is if what you are doing is not listed as one of the search engine tips, the search engine will likely view it as spam and penalize you.
These are just some of the few tips i was able to gather along the many researches that i conduct each night. some of you may have more valuable tips in your minds regarding this particular topic. Feel free to to make modifications through comments as i would like to hear and read as many point of view to add to the little knowledge that i already have.


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