Sunday, October 29, 2006

The SEO Effect - SEO Philippines Congress 2006

Last night was really one of the best SEO party i have attended so far. Aside from getting to know the big shots in the blogcon playfield and the marketing buffs involved in Adsense and AdWords of Google here in the Philippines, i am glad i was one of those who took a first glance of the Filipino Google consultant Miss Aileen Apolo to preside when Google starts to break the glass of the slow moving SEO and Search Engine Marketing arena here in the Philippines.

Many of those who were able to attend were SEO buffs that had signed up by posting a comment in Marc Macalua's blog. I'm proud to be one of them. The main sponsor that night was Lakeside Technologies represented by a certain Christine (as far as i can remember) who was earlier introduced to me by my brother.

She is also the presiding host that night and is so very busy ramping up and down the stage and the whole place Jill's) at The Fort. My first time in that kind of place and it had made me wanna go for more beer which is by the way all expenses paid by the kind sponsor.

I asked too many questions to my brother who is a veteran in the SEO and SEM arena here in the Philippines. I could remember a few of those questions but the most important thing that night is i guess the party (actually some sort of a congress) made come up with a more stiff decision to make sooner my exit in the link building outsource work that i am in right now and go full time with SEO and Search Engine Marketing major in AdSense and Adwords.

The actual congress which is about the plans of Google here in the Philippines and the new major Philippine SEO contest that will soon be launched with a pot money of 300,000.00 PHP. Before the contest announcement and the actual discussion about Google's setting up a campus here in the Philippines, me, my brother and his colleagues were already a bit high in spirits with the beer we have been able to consume before the slides came up in the walls.

There were lots of gossips filtering out in every corner of the bar that night but the least that me and my bro expected is the way that the contest details had turned up, which for us is a bit out of line with regards to the allotted amounts of prices for the firsts to rank high in the Big 3 search engines. Guess what the keyword target is? It's ituloy angsulong.

Imagine having a price of 60,000.00 PHP by ranking first in Google with the keyword that i have mentioned above? I believe anybody could earn that amount in say 3 to 4 months in AdSense alone which makes the offer unacceptable by the best SEO, SEM's here in the Philippines.

They should have made a bigger, one way offer to give to the best and the first to rank in the that keyword in the 3 biggest search engines namely Google, Yahoo and MSN.


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