Friday, June 07, 2013

Deleting Profile or Website in Google Analytics

Today, I was able to put back access to this very old blogger account and found out that there were some websites that are no longer part of my set of blogspot blog accounts. I must've deleted them somewhere along the way but what I want is to delete this profile because I can still find this blog on the set of sites I own and manage on my Google Analytics. I wanted it to be removed to avoid confusion that I still manage it and to ward off trash on my account.

Tried searching online for some answers as I am a techie online searcher anyway and glad I found support from Google Analytics website. I wanted to share how I was able to delete this blog profile from my account so as just to help others know how to do it.

Procedures in Deleting a Website or Profile in Google Analytics

To delete a profile:
  1. Click Admin at the top of any Analytics page.
  2. Use the menu in the Profile column to select the profile you want to edit.
  3. Click Profile Settings.
  4. Click Delete this profile.
  5. Click Delete in the confirmation message.


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